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Services for the Active and Participatory Inclusion of Students

Welcome to the SInAPSi centre! SInAPSi is the University centre for all the students who feel excluded from the university life because of disability, Specific Learning Disorders (dyslexia, dysgraphia, dysorthography, dyscalculia) or temporary difficulties. It provides services and supports initiatives to facilitate the participation of all the students in university life. The centre cooperates with University structures to ensure accessibility of the environments.


  1. 28 March 2022
    Psychological counselling service for international students

    The Psychological Counselling Service for University
    Students of SInAPSi has implemented its services with Psychological Counselling
    specifically dedicated to international students (e.g. erasmus, exchange,
    Ph.D  students etc.).

  2. Immagine rappresentativa del convegno
    29 October 2019
    International Congress. Best practices in transgender health, social policies and human rights: a comparison between Europe and Latin America

    The International Congress has the goal to explore, through a multidisciplinary perspective, the best practices of six different countries - Chile, Cuba, France, Italy, Norway and Portugal - in order to support a comparison and a discussion among experts in gender studies. The participation to the congress is free.
    14th November 2019, Aula Magna, Via Partenope 36 - University of Naples Federico II and 15 November 2019, Sala del Capitolo, Complesso Monumentale San Domenico Maggiore, Naples.

  3. Immagine rappresentativa del convegno
    14 November 2019
    International Congress. Best practices in transgender health, social policies and human rights: a comparison between Europe and Latin America

    The International Congress has the goal to explore, through a multidisciplinary perspective, the best practices of six different countries - Chile, Cuba, France, Italy, Norway and Portugal - in order to support a comparison and a discussion among experts in gender studies. The participation to the congress is free.
    14th November 2019, Aula Magna, Via Partenope 36 - University of Naples Federico II and 15 November 2019, Sala del Capitolo, Complesso Monumentale San Domenico Maggiore, Naples.

  4. 18 July 2021
    News - The Sinapsi point of psychological listening and support

    It is a support point for all the students and the staff members of the University that need to share their experiences of disadvantages faced in the University environment. It is available at  Centro Servizi per l’Inclusione Attiva e Partecipata degli Studenti, Sinapsi (http://www.sinapsi.unina.it/servizi), here it is possible to find psychologists with a long term experience in supporting university students and in tackling disadvantages.

  5. 18 September 2019
    Congress: Sclerosis and sexuality

    6 December 2018, Aula Magna Gaetano Salvatore, University of Naples Federico II

  6. 18 September 2019
    News - Collegami

    Collegami! Is a project developed by the Sinapsi Center of the University of Naples Federico II and aimed to support the communication of students with heavy mobility restrictions and with speech difficulties. Social inclusion is a fundamental feature of advanced communities and the contrast to marginalization is increasingly seen as a personal growth tool. 

  7. 25 October 2020
    News: indications for the diagnosis of DSA in public services.

    AID (Italian Dyslexia Association), section of Naples, promoted a survey to support their members in order to cope with the tasks needed for a diagnosis. All the local help care districts afferent to the section of Naples have been listed.

  8. Congress Logo
    02 July 2019
    INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS: Best practices in transgender health, social policies and human rights: a comparison between Europe and Latin America. Naples, 14 and 15 november. Call for poster.

    The Scientific Committee welcomes the submission of abstracts for poster presentation at the International Congress Best practices in transgender health, social policies and human rights: a comparison between Europe and Latin America on topics of discussion and reflection.

  9. Logo del Centro Sinapsi
    29 December 2020
    SInAPSi introduces: STUDENTS WITH SPECIFIC LEARNING DISORDERS: professors vademecum

    The staff of the Sinapsi Centre created an appropriate and easy to manage tool to help university professors to individuate the difficulties of students with specific learning disorders and to implement the most effective practices for their university course.

  10. logo centro Sinapsi
    12 April 2019
    Tirocinio post laurea per laureati in psicologia

    Nell’ambito delle attività previste dal Punto Accoglienza della Sezione Disabilità e DSA del centro di Ateneo SInAPSi, è possibile svolgere l’attività di tirocinio post laurea richiesta alle persone laureate in psicologia.

  11. Logo Napoli Summer Universiade - Centro di Ateneo Sinapsi
    10 July 2019
    Sport and equal opportunities

    European Commission published a document containing a list of actions aimed at promoting equality for LGBTI+. The Anti-Discrimination and Culture of Differences Section of the SInAPSi University Centre, University of Naples Federico II, The Department of Movement Sciences and Wellbeing, University of Naples Parthenope, the UISP, Arcigay Antinoo Napoli, Foundation GIC have proposed a Decalogue of Best Practices to promote the Inclusion and Culture of Differences in sports contexts.




Legal Office
Via Giulio Cesare Cortese, 29
Office Building - Ground floor
80133 Naples
P. IVA: 00876220633
Email: sinapsi@unina.it
PEC: sinapsi@pec.unina.it
Website: www.sinapsi.unina.it

Our Contacts
Tel.: 081 679946
Fax: 081 676768
Email: accoglienza.sinapsi@unina.it