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Disability services


Disability services encourage the integration of students with disabilities in university life. In particular, they aim to remove obstacles of various kinds and to concretize conditions of equal opportunities for study and treatment. The solutions identified are the result of a shared design between the student and
the operators of the four areas of intervention: welcome point, counselling, pedagogy and technology. In the meanwhile, monitoring and signalling activities of architectural barriers are carried out.


Who they turn to

Students' logo

- Students who live a condition of exclusion due to
temporary or permanent disability, in order to encourage their participation in university life;

university logo

- To the university staff to ensure the best possible interaction with students with disabilities.


What they offer

services and specific solutions for the access to the University study through
the realization of an individualized project agreed with the student, with the
aim of improving the inclusion in the academic context and the participation in
the University life.

In this context, the accompanying assumes  particular importance carried out by the volunteers of the National Civil Service who collaborate with the centre.

How they work

All activities are developed in an
interdisciplinary manner thanks to the combined action of the following areas:

  • Welcome point

    It is the entry point of the whole process; It welcomes  the student with disabilities who, in an autonomous way or together with the family, gets in touch with the centre to address the problems of participation in the university life.

  • Counselling

    It offers emotional support to students who live a difficulty linked to their disability and who face obstacles in the continuation or completion of their university course.

  • Pedagogy

    It guarantees  pedagogical and didactical  support that adduce students with disabilities in participating in university activities (lessons, workshops, etc.) and elaborates in agreement with academic staff  the equivalent modalities for the examination tests.

  • Technology

    Provides support, advice, training and technical assistance on technologies, both for  a general overview and for specific cases for people with disabilities; It also produces educational material in an accessible formats for students.


Come si accede

Telefonando al numero:
081 679946
il lunedì e martedì dalle 9.00 alle 13.00, il mercoledi dalle 12.00 alle 14.00, il venerdì dalle ore 9.00 alle ore 13.00
Attenzione: In caso di mancata risposta, si prega di inviare una e-mail all'indirizzo di servizio interessato

Inviando una e-mail all'indirizzo: accoglienza.sinapsi@unina.it

L'utente sarà ricontattato da un operatore al massimo entro 5 giorni dalla richiesta.

How to get in touch

Calling 081679946 on Monday, Tuesday and Friday from 10am to 12am. 
On Thursday from 11am to 13am;

Fax at 081 676768;
E-mail at accoglienza.sinapsi@unina.it
You will be contacted by an operator of the centre within five days.

SInAPSi Locations

Registered Office and Administration

Via Giulio Cortese, 29
Office Building- Ground floor
80133 Napoli P. IVA: 00876220633
Email: sinapsi@unina.it
PEC: sinapsi@pec.unina.it
Website: www.sinapsi.unina.it

Operations Office of Monte Sant'Angelo

University complex of Monte Sant'Angelo, Ed. 1

Via Cinthia, 26

80126 Naples

Tel.: 081 679946

Fax: 081 676768

Email: accoglienza.sinapsi@unina.it