At the University of Naples Federico II, services for students with disabilities are provided by the SInAPSi Centre.
SInAPSi is the University Center for all the students who may feel excluded from university life due to disabilities (chronic or temporary), Specific Learning Disorders (dyslexia, dysgraphia, dysorthography, dyscalculia), or ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder).
During the Erasmus+ mobility, the student who needs support can access SInAPSi services, by submitting appropriate documentation.
Erasmus+ students with SLD who needs to access and use the services of the SInAPSi Center must contact the Center’s Welcome Point (in Italian: “Punto Accoglienza”) well in advance of the start of academic activities by sending an email to:
Students must have a Support Agreement, a document in English provided by their home University that describes all the support they need.This document must be sent well in advance of the start of academic activities.
Upon arriving in Italy, the student will be invited to a face-to-face meeting at the SInAPSi offices with the “Punto Accoglienza” professionals, and he will present the clinical documentation certifying his health conditions.
The path with SInAPSi includes the drafting of an Erasmus+ Individualized Project of Inclusion, agreed upon with the student, which will outline all the necessary support during their academic journey, in continuity with the interventions offered by his/her home University, and in line with the services offered by the SInAPSi Center, that are described in the link below:
The student interested in activating the Services can contact the “Punto Accoglienza” by sending an email to the following email address: or calling the number +39 081 679946 on the following days: