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  • FAQ
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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What function does Sinapsi Center take on?
  2. Who can take advantage of the Center's services?
  3. How is the Center structured?
  4. What are the services offered by the Center?
  5. How can I access the services of the Center?
  6. Is there an internal assistance service for disabled students?
  7. I am a disabled student with legally recognized invalidity; can I apply for financial aid?
  8. What is the degree of accessibility of the University?
  9. Can I report an architectonic barrier?
  10. How can I help a disabled classmate?


What function does Sinapsi Center take on?
The SInAPSi Center offers services and supports initiatives aimed at inclusion and equal opportunities for students who, during their academic life, live in a state of unease due to their physical, psychological and/or social difficulties.



Who can take advantage of the Center's services?
The services offered by the Center are aimed at all those students who live in a state of unease due to physical, psychological and/or social difficulties, that are enrolled (or are in the process of enrolling) to a University course.



How is the Center structured?
The Center is structured in Sections (Welcoming Department, Counseling, Pedagogy and Technology) and organizes its activities in services and projects, in conformity with its aims and duties.



What are the services offered by the Center?
The Center favors the inclusion of students who live their University life in a state of unease, through the elimination of didactic, psychological, pedagogic and technologic barriers that don't allow equal opportunities of studies and treatment. The offered services are thus personalized and are the result of a shared project between students and operators.



How can I access the services of the Center?
To access the services of the Center it is necessary to make an appointment with the operators of the Welcoming Department in one of the following ways:

- by phoning (+39) 081-679946 on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday between 10 AM and 12PM;
- by sending a fax to (+39) 081-676768;
- by sending an email to accoglienza.sinapsi@unina.it



Is there an internal assistance service for disabled students?
Yes. The Center aids persons with motor or sensorial disabilities, permanent or temporary, with the help of a Civil Service volunteer who assists in utilizing all the University's spaces and equipment safely, and to overcome architectonic barriers during transport within the University's sites.



I am a disabled student with legally recognized invalidity; can I apply for financial aid?
All students with a certificate of invalidity, independently of income and merit, have the right to partial or total exempt from University tuition tax. In particular:
- disabled students with a percentage of invalidity between 35% and 65% are exempted from the payment of contributions, apart from the enrollment tax and regional tax for the right to study (partial exempt);
- disabled students with a percentage of invalidity over 65% are exempted from the payment of taxes and contributions, apart from the payment of the regional tax for the right to study (total exempt);
In both cases, the documentation must be accompanied by the relative instance on legal paper due for enrollment.

For further information click here.

Find the forms by clicking here.



What is the degree of accessibility of the University?
The Ripartizione Edilizia e Patrimonio, responsible for the access to the University, is engaged in both a progressive elimination of architectonic barriers and in the planning stages of all new initiatives in order to facilitate access for all.

The Center is also involved in the verification of accessibility of all spaces of the University and in the identification of the best routes to access them, in a simple and effective manner. To consult the interactive map of all the University's sites, it is possible to visit the website "barriere.unina" and download (in PDF format) all the recommended routes for persons with disabilities.



Can I report an architectonic barrier?
Yes, you can report any difficulties and areas in need of attention in relation to the University's accessibility by contacting us through the dedicated form "Suggestions and Reports". Your contribution will help the growth of our service.



How can I help a disabled classmate?
You can volunteer for activities by participating in one of the Center's Civil Service projects.


Le sedi SInAPSi

Sede Legale
Via Giulio Cesare Cortese, 29
Palazzo degli Uffici - piano terra
80133 Napoli
P.IVA: 00876220633

Email: sinapsi@unina.it
PEC: sinapsi@pec.unina.it
Sito: www.sinapsi.unina.it

Sede Operativa di Monte Sant'Angelo
Via Cinthia, 26 Complesso Universitario di Monte Sant'Angelo
Edificio 1 (Centri Comuni) - piano terra
80126 Napoli

Fax: 081 676768
Email: accoglienza.sinapsi@unina.it