In order to better orient and coordinate the actions
of the centre, the following Staff services are set up, pertaining to the Segretary
-Multimedial Support: It provides technical-informational support to the
activities of the Center;
-Quality: It instructs and harmonizes self-assessment procedures, in
order to prepare the annual self-assessment document required by the university
and by MIUR;
-Communication: It organizes and coordinates the internal and external
communication initiatives of the Centre;
-Civil service and laboratories: It takes care planning, training and
management of Civil
volunteers and laboratorists;
-Training: It supports the design, the management, the delivery and
reporting of training activities;
-Scientific publications and Editing: it coordinates the collection,
care and elaboration of the scientific contributions produced by the Centre
(Acts of conferences, collections of essays, etc.).
The establishment, modification and decommissioning of Staff services is
deliberated by the steering committee.