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  • contacts
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Through this section of the site you can contact on line the SInAPSi Center staff to receive information, request assistance, make recommendations and send suggestions.  


To get in touch with the individual services, use the following information:



  • Calling 081679946 on Monday, Tuesday and Friday from 10am to 12am. On Thursday from 11am to 13am; 
  • Fax at 081676768;
  • E-mail at accoglienza.sinpasi@unina.it . You will be contacted by an operator of the centre within five days. 

Specific Learning disorders:

  • Calling 081679946 on Monday, Tuesday and Friday from 10am to 12am. On Thursday from 11am to 13am;
  • Fax at 081 676768;
  • E-mail at accoglienza.sinapsi@unina.it .  You will be contacted by an operator of the centre within five days

Services for academic success:


To get in touch with the operators and/or access to specific services, please you use the following contacts:

  • To Individual psychological Counselling: cpsu.sinapsi@unina.it (you can also call at 081 7463458 from monday to Friday from 9:00am to 14:30pm);
  • To Group Counselling "Learning to learn": imparare.sinapsi@unina.it;
  • To Educational path training: mapper.sinapsi@unina.it
  • To  Advice to study courses: successo.sinapsi@unina.it (request can be formalized by the co-ordinators of the CdS, Directors of the department or the representatives of the Department for Inclusion).

Anti-discrimination and culture of differences:


Time table: 

  • Napoli DiverCity  Monday from 9:00am to 14:00pm and in Thursday from 13:00pm to 18:00pm;
  • Support office for trans people Friday from 14:00pm to 17:00pm;
  • AGEDO office Thursday from 13:00pm to 18:00pm.

Promotion of employability:

The activities of the Interactive labs for employability take place in the San Pietro Martire’ building, via Porta di Massa 1, stairway C – mezzanine (level 1 with the elevator).
For getting information you can:


The activities of Placement office for the relations with enterprises take place in Monte Sant'Angelo’ campus, via Cinthia 26, building 1 -  SSC2 room (3° floor). Get in touch to schedule an appointment:


The activities of the Business support for diversity management take place in the San Pietro Martire’ building , via Porta di Massa 1, stairway C – mezzanine (level 1 with the elevator).

For getting information you can:


Business Support activities for diversity management take place at the Building of St. Peter Martyr, via Porta di Massa 1, C- mezzanine floor (lift: Level 1).
For information you can proceed in the following ways:
• Calling the number 0812532177;   
• E-mail at: dm.sinapsi@unina.it.


Le sedi SInAPSi

Sede Legale
Via Giulio Cesare Cortese, 29
Palazzo degli Uffici - piano terra
80133 Napoli
P.IVA: 00876220633

Email: sinapsi@unina.it
PEC: sinapsi@pec.unina.it
Sito: www.sinapsi.unina.it

Sede Operativa di Monte Sant'Angelo
Via Cinthia, 26 Complesso Universitario di Monte Sant'Angelo
Edificio 1 (Centri Comuni) - piano terra
80126 Napoli

Fax: 081 676768
Email: accoglienza.sinapsi@unina.it