The Anti-Discrimination and culture of differences section, of the SInAPSi university center - University of Naples Federico II, was born with the aim of preventing and counteracting the different forms of discrimination and violence that can prevent the full active participation and social inclusion of university students and more, in general, of all citizens. Embracing the principles of equal opportunities and the valorisation of differences, the section has long been committed for promoting a culture that is more respectful of individuality and more inclusive of all differences by activating a series of interventions in culturally and socially formative contexts.
To all students, to the teaching and
technical-administrative staff of the University.
To the educational institutions of every order and degree and to the public and private bodies of the national territory.
The interventions are provided at the request of the individual student to
the concerned bodies and organisations.
Through the consultancy service to organizations, the Anti-discrimination
Section aims to promote processes of inclusion and supports the development of
good practices aimed at equal opportunities, intercultural dialogue and the
contrast of sexual stigma and gender, against genderiste, sexist, homo-transphobic
discrimination, more generally to combat
hate crimes, to develop a system of agreements with all institution involved in planning activities (public
administrations Local authorities, ASL, police headquarters and prefecture,
schools, universities and research institutes, etc.), pursuing the effect of
mainstreaming required in order to promote transversally the above actions.
The aim of the service is to build and coordinate an internal network at the
University, so that the contrast to discrimination takes place transversally
and proceeds both from a horizontal point of view (number of Public sectors involved: universities, educational
institutions, local authorities, etc.), and vertically (the different levels of the university
institutions: students, academic staff ,etc.)
The activities are structured in the form of experiential workshops (cycles
of 3 workshops) or theoretical-experiential seminars on the topics of gender
and sexual orientation differences and discriminations.
There are also awareness-raising days and social gatherings during national and
international days, dedicated to victims of violence (e.g. the day against male
violence against women, the day against Homophobia and the T-Dor).
Information and dissemination activities are carried out mainly through the
implementation and constant updating of the psychological addressed Web
Platform to; the widening of the dissemination of the activities is carried out by the acquisition of Greater
visibility at local and national level through the enrichment of the mailing
list and the constant updating of the Facebook pages and groups; the management
of the official mail of the service to welcome, support and sort the different
requests of the user; the publication of a monthly newsletter.
Psychological counselling and short psychotherapy for
the individual, for families and small groups: it is articulated in various
specific and differentiated activities, such as the Naples DiverCity (which is addressed to the LGB people), the door facing To trans
people (which provides for the assistance of a peer operator) and the AGEDO
help desk (which carries out group activities for parents and relatives
of homosexual people).
Consultancy, information and promotion of culture of
differences: it is aimed at students and/or university staff and is carried out
through thematic experiential workshops, dissemination actions and
awareness-raising projects.
It is addressed to schools of every order and degree
and to all their members (managers, teachers, parents, pupils, administrative
staff), public administrations, NGOs, sports associations and more generally to all organizations centered on processes
of education, training and education of the individual.
It aims to promote correct information on
gender-related issues, sexual orientation, ethnicity and religion
Research projects on discrimination and hate crimes
Monitors abuses, violence and discrimination related
to differences in the university context.