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Logo dell'AID - Associazione Italiana Dislessia

AID (Italian Dyslexia Association), section of Naples, promoted a survey to support their members in order to cope with the tasks needed for a diagnosis. All the local help care districts afferent to the section of Naples have been listed.



At the Mental Health Care point DBS.26 of ASL NA1 district 26 you can find the clinic for the diagnosis of Specific Learning Disorders for adults, led by Doctor Gaetano D’Arienzo. 

The clinic is located in Viale Adriano, 16 – Naples. 

For more information contact: 3933866303.



The lists are often updated. We are underway to receive further information about the missing ASLs in the region. In order to offer a complete survey, it is possible to indicate accredited structure and professional sending e-mail to: comunicazione.sinapsi@unina.it. Before going published, the information will be verified.  


Le sedi SInAPSi

Sede Legale
Via Giulio Cesare Cortese, 29
Palazzo degli Uffici - piano terra
80133 Napoli
P.IVA: 00876220633

Email: sinapsi@unina.it
PEC: sinapsi@pec.unina.it
Sito: www.sinapsi.unina.it

Sede Operativa di Monte Sant'Angelo
Via Cinthia, 26 Complesso Universitario di Monte Sant'Angelo
Edificio 1 (Centri Comuni) - piano terra
80126 Napoli

Fax: 081 676768
Email: accoglienza.sinapsi@unina.it