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Are you a student?

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This is the section for you!

The SInAPSi Univeristy Center makes available to
students many services for assistance and support during your


You can contact the center to create a personalized project in order to improve the inclusion in the academic context and the participation in the university life.

You can take advantage of services and solutions made by a team of experts on the basis of your requirements and needs.

You can contact the Successful training services to make use of all the services provided.

The services of the section Anti-Discrimination and culture of differences offer to all university students different possibilities of growth and comparison. Monthly, free experiential workshops are made on the topics of the section. Each cycle is characterized by three meetings, each lasting 3 hours, conducted by psychologists and articulated in two phases: a theoretical and a laboratory. Billy, through a theoretical explanation aims to build  a common vocabulary on the topics addressed (gender stereotypes, sexual identity, homophobia, homophobic bullying and various forms of discrimination related to gender and sexual orientation). The laboratory module, through activities, simulations and activations, promotes an experiential deepening of these themes. The section also organizes experiential-training cycles for each course of study, during which the subjects studied have fallen on the specific realities of each course. Students are therefore invited to put their future professionalism in play and to address gender issues and sexual orientation in the workplace. More detailed training, as part of the satellite antennas project at the university, is then offered to students who are part of the student council, the students ' representatives or those who belong to student associations of the university. This training aims at the establishment of an internal network at the university that can promote awareness and information processes among all students. The section offers, finally, psychological counselling and short psychotherapy interventions aimed at individuals, families and small groups.

In this section you can entrust yourself to a team of experts who will support you in the definition of a personal professional project and will allow you to strengthen your resources in order to put you satisfactorily in a job market in constant transformation and not always inclusive.