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  1. Centro di Ateneo SInAPSI - Napoli
    SInAPSi è il Centro di Ateneo per tutti gli studenti che si sentono esclusi dalla vita universitaria a causa di disabilità o difficoltà temporanee. Offre servizi e sostiene iniziative per favorire la partecipazione di tutti gli studenti alla vita universitaria. Collabora con le strutture dell'Ateneo per assicurare l'accessibilità degli ambienti.
  2. Universidad de Sevilla
    La Universidad de Sevilla es una institución que presta un servicio público de educación superior mediante el estudio, la docencia y la investigación, así como la generación.
  3. National School of Political and Administrative Studies - Bucharest
    Scoala Nationala de Studii Politice si Administrative este o institutie publica de învatamânt superior si cercetare (universitate A), cu personalitate juridica. Scoala Nationala de Studii Politice si Administrative.
  4. Aarhus University
    Verden er sammensat og kompleks. Globale udfordringer kan kun løses, hvis vi samarbejder på tværs af fagområder.
  5. National University of Ireland - Maynooth
    Following two centuries of internationally renowned scholarly activity on the Maynooth campus the National University of Ireland, Maynooth was established under the 1997 Universities Act as an autonomous member of the federal structure known as the National University of Ireland.

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What is NMP (Narrative Mediation Path)?


On the whole, the training is thought as a circularly reflexive process of mentalization about one's own educational experience, starting from an initial synchronic and thick representation of the educational experience (proposed in the first module), passing through a diachronic analysis of specific university situation and, finally, returning to the synchronic level in which the same experience is re-investigated in the light of the reflexive and meta-reflexive processes previously activated.

During each training meeting (and independently of the specific module) the same methodological sequence is used. This sequence can be summarized as follows:

1) presentation of a narrative input;
2) narrative construction of the experience by means of different communicative codes (metaphorical, iconographic, writing, and bodily);
3) group narrative meta-discourse on the proposed narration;
4) narrative reconstruction of the experience.