The Final Conference of the INSTALL project ˗ Reflectivity in Higher Education: Research and Models of Intervention for Underachieving students ˗ will be held on March 20th - 21st 2014 in Naples, Italy.
Researchers and professionals in Higher Education from across Europe are invited to submit their contributions on such topics as: Key Competences in Higher Education; Fostering the Reflective Competence in Higher Education; Narrative Methods in Higher Education; Models of Intervention with Non Traditional Students/Underachieving Students; Innovative approaches to promote Learning to Learn; Group Interventions in Higher Education.
Abstracts must not exceed 300 words and must be submitted in English by November 10th 2013 at the following e-mail address: Authors will be notified by organizers regarding the acceptance of their proposals until November 30th 2013. The most innovative and consistent papers will be published in the Conference proceedings.
For further details regarding the conference, please download the call for proposals available below.
All conference participants must register for the conference, using the registration form and the template for proposal submission available below.
There is no participation fee associated with this event due to the fact that the conference is co-financed by the European Community.