SInAPSI researchers have analyzed the raw data gathered in all partners' countries during the first round of NMP, in terms of sample characteristics and statistical significance of the methodology tested within the project.
Results show that, from the 99 students who participated in the first round of NMP 76 were identified as nontraditional students. Further, 67 students also reported having a low academic performance. However, there were differences concerning the distribution at country level. More precisely, except for the Romanian sample, there were high percentages of the nontraditional students in all groups. Similarly, while all students from Ireland reported being underachievers, most students from Romania reported not having a low academic performance.
As for testing the Narrative Mediation Path, analysis of the pre and post scores for the Reflexivity Scale confirms that there is an increase in reflective functioning in the case of all countries, the highest increment being identified in the Italian sample, while the weakest - in the Irish sample.