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  1. Centro di Ateneo SInAPSI - Napoli
    SInAPSi è il Centro di Ateneo per tutti gli studenti che si sentono esclusi dalla vita universitaria a causa di disabilità o difficoltà temporanee. Offre servizi e sostiene iniziative per favorire la partecipazione di tutti gli studenti alla vita universitaria. Collabora con le strutture dell'Ateneo per assicurare l'accessibilità degli ambienti.
  2. Universidad de Sevilla
    La Universidad de Sevilla es una institución que presta un servicio público de educación superior mediante el estudio, la docencia y la investigación, así como la generación.
  3. National School of Political and Administrative Studies - Bucharest
    Scoala Nationala de Studii Politice si Administrative este o institutie publica de învatamânt superior si cercetare (universitate A), cu personalitate juridica. Scoala Nationala de Studii Politice si Administrative.
  4. Aarhus University
    Verden er sammensat og kompleks. Globale udfordringer kan kun løses, hvis vi samarbejder på tværs af fagområder.
  5. National University of Ireland - Maynooth
    Following two centuries of internationally renowned scholarly activity on the Maynooth campus the National University of Ireland, Maynooth was established under the 1997 Universities Act as an autonomous member of the federal structure known as the National University of Ireland.

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Fine tuning of the Operational Manual and Student Toolkit


The Consortium agreed on a series of practical suggestions to be introduced in the Operational Manual: instructions on the board, "learning contract" about rules to be respected during the sessions, layout to be improved.

Furthermore, the Consortium also agreed on other aspects: criteria will be enlarged, so that students attending the II and III year and those repeating a year will be eligible. A more focused theoretical framework will be introduced and presented in a more accessible way. Similarly, a new form will be added - filled in by trainers with problems/solutions/recommendations regarding the delivery of the NMP.

As for the Toolkit for Students, the changes agreed upon were: adding a short introduction, more accurately highlighting the transcultural aspects, revising some linguistic aspects. Similarly, the bodily module will be clearer. Also, the reflectivity form will be modified. Special attention will be paid to heteronormativity. The follow up form will be fine-tuned. About 10% of the students enrolled will be interviewed and their testimonials will be recorded and used for dissemination.