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  1. Centro di Ateneo SInAPSI - Napoli
    SInAPSi è il Centro di Ateneo per tutti gli studenti che si sentono esclusi dalla vita universitaria a causa di disabilità o difficoltà temporanee. Offre servizi e sostiene iniziative per favorire la partecipazione di tutti gli studenti alla vita universitaria. Collabora con le strutture dell'Ateneo per assicurare l'accessibilità degli ambienti.
  2. Universidad de Sevilla
    La Universidad de Sevilla es una institución que presta un servicio público de educación superior mediante el estudio, la docencia y la investigación, así como la generación.
  3. National School of Political and Administrative Studies - Bucharest
    Scoala Nationala de Studii Politice si Administrative este o institutie publica de învatamânt superior si cercetare (universitate A), cu personalitate juridica. Scoala Nationala de Studii Politice si Administrative.
  4. Aarhus University
    Verden er sammensat og kompleks. Globale udfordringer kan kun løses, hvis vi samarbejder på tværs af fagområder.
  5. National University of Ireland - Maynooth
    Following two centuries of internationally renowned scholarly activity on the Maynooth campus the National University of Ireland, Maynooth was established under the 1997 Universities Act as an autonomous member of the federal structure known as the National University of Ireland.

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Centro di Ateneo SInAPSi

Services for Active and Participated Inclusion of Students


SINAPSI is a Support Centre of Federico II University devoted to those students feeling excluded from university life due to disabilities or temporary difficulties in their human and formative course.

SINAPSI offers support to increase students' participation to university life, providing support on: welcoming, counseling, pedagogical counseling and technological counseling.

SINAPSI supports all departments and units of Federico II University as a whole to ensure students' access to all university facilities and services thanks to its specialized and qualified staff, as well as National Civil Service volunteers.

SINAPSI promotes and carries out research to achieve improved social inclusion and active participation of students. Some of the most relevant projects are: Autism and University: National Project 2009-2010; @ccessible Web: National Project on Teaching/learning together for all; Pre-orientation in schools: supporting students' expectations and needs for professional and educational development; Maps and Courses for university students: aiming to supporting students through university, raising students' awareness and knowledge of their competences and abilities, so to direct changes in ineffective behavioral attitudes and habits; A certain glance: knowing to recognize oneself: with the aim of encouraging the taking back of personal life and educational history, of recognizing it so to strengthen identity by placing it in experience time, in relation with others and the world.

SINAPSI is the coordinator of the Consortium, since it is a large organisation with a solid and reliable management structure, being already in charge with coordinating large projects and activities in the area of disadvantage and social exclusion in tertiary education.