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Gruppo di persone che dialogano in circolo

We can talk about it

The Sinapsi point of psychological listening and support

It is a support point for all the students and the staff members of the University that need to share their experiences of disadvantages faced in the University environment. It is available at  Centro Servizi per l’Inclusione Attiva e Partecipata degli Studenti, Sinapsi (http://www.sinapsi.unina.it/servizi), here it is possible to find psychologists with a long term experience in supporting university students and in tackling disadvantages.

We are a community and, if needed, we can and we must talk about it! 
In order to get in touch, please, contact the welcome point of the Sinapsi Centre, calling at 081679946 or sending an email to supporto.sinapsi@unina.it


It is a support point for all the students and the staff members of the University that need to share their experiences of disadvantages faced in the University environment. It is available at  Centro Servizi per l’Inclusione Attiva e Partecipata degli Studenti, Sinapsi (http://www.sinapsi.unina.it/servizi), here it is possible to find psychologists with a long term experience in supporting university students and in tackling disadvantages.

We are a community and, if needed, we can and we must talk about it! 
In order to get in touch, please, contact the welcome point of the Sinapsi Centre, calling at 081679946 or sending an email to supporto.sinapsi@unina.it


Le sedi SInAPSi

Sede Legale
Via Giulio Cesare Cortese, 29
Palazzo degli Uffici - piano terra
80133 Napoli
P.IVA: 00876220633

Email: sinapsi@unina.it
PEC: sinapsi@pec.unina.it
Sito: www.sinapsi.unina.it

Sede Operativa di Monte Sant'Angelo
Via Cinthia, 26 Complesso Universitario di Monte Sant'Angelo
Edificio 1 (Centri Comuni) - piano terra
80126 Napoli

Fax: 081 676768
Email: accoglienza.sinapsi@unina.it