Researcher at Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, she earned her PhD in 2004; she is psychologist and psychotherapist (training at A.I.P.P.I). She teaches courses on Clinical Psychology both at the Master Degree Program in Dynamic and Clinical Psychology and at the Postgraduate School in Clinical Psychology of the same University.
She is also member of the Faculty of the Doctoral Program in Psychologycal and Pedagogical Sciences (curriculum of Health Psychology and prevention of individual and social risk).
She is counsellor at Military Aeronautic Academy of Naples. She is member of the Scientific Committee and of Editorial Board of the website
She has participated and coordinated many research groups on prevention of individual and group risk. She carries out her research activities on gender, homosexuality, homophobia, homophobic bullying, aggressive behaviour in childhood and psychosocial risk factors, psychological disorders related to organic diseases, adolescent development, health psychology, methods of psychological intervention in Institutions and group counselling.
Full Professor of Clinical Psychology at University of Naples "Federico II"; Head of the Department of Scienze Relazionali "G. Iacono"(2005-2010); Coordinator of the Doctoral Program in Gender Studies at the Ph.D. School in Psychologycal and Pedagogical Sciences until 2011.
Member of: Academic Senate of the University of Naples"Federico II"; Member of the Regional Association of Psychologists (Campania); of the SIUEERPP of Paris; of the Scientific Committee of the website
Director of the counselling service to prevent Mobbing at the University of Naples "Federico II"; Scientific Supervisor for the Project "Adozione sociale" in cooperation with Comune di Napoli, Regione Campania and Asl Na1 Centroand of the European project"Hermes-linking network to fight sexual and gender stigma", promoted by TEOMESUS and co-financed within the Daphne III Programme.
Professor of Clinical Psychology at the Naples University Federico II. Delegate of the Rector for students with disabilities, Head of the Center for Active and Participated Inclusion of University Students, Head of the Service of Clinical Psychology of the Naples University Hospital, Director of the postgraduate courses in Clinical Psychology, Coordinator of the Counselling Service for University Students, Coordinator of the Counselling Service at the Italian Military Air Force Academy.
President of the Fondation "Genere, Identità, Cultura".
President of the "Osservatorio Nazionale sull'Identità di Genere" (O.N.I.G.), and member of the following Scientific Associations: Associazione Italiana di Psicologi, American Psychological Association, Australian Psychological Society, World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH). President of the Italian Association for Psychoanalitic Studies (AISPsi).
He's member of the Scientific Committee and of the Editorial Board of the website
He has published widely in Italian and international Journals and edited collections on psychodynamic counselling in higher education, gender identity disorders, disorders of sexual differentiation, psychological correlates of somatic diseases, adolescent development and risk factors in adolescence.
She earned her Doctoral degree in Gender Studies from Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Napoli; she is Psychologist and Psychotherapist (ICLeS -Napoli).
She is member of the Scuola Romana Rorschach (Italy) and Membre affilié of SIUEERPP - Séminaire Inter-Universitaire Européen d'enseignement et de Recherche de la Psychanalyse et de la Psychopathologie - (France).
She has thaught courses on Clinical Psychology, Dynamic Psychology, Clinical working at Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II. She is a post doc researcher at the Dipartimento di Teorie e Metodi delle Scienze Umane e Sociali, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II. She had various experiences of teaching and education in the field of Gender Studies, as attested by the participation to projects financed by the Ministero delle Pari Opportunità.
She has published articles on peer-reviewd journals and chapters on gender, sexual and psychoanalysis, violence against women, psychoanalysis and transsexualism, training and teaching in a psychoanalytic perspective.
She earned her Doctoral degree in Gender Studies from Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Napoli; she is Psychologist and Psychotherapist (ICLeS -Napoli).
She is member of the Scuola Romana Rorschach (Italy) and Membre affilié of SIUEERPP - Séminaire Inter-Universitaire Européen d'enseignement et de Recherche de la Psychanalyse et de la Psychopathologie - (France).
She has thaught courses on Clinical Psychology, Dynamic Psychology, Clinical working at Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II. She is a post doc researcher at the Dipartimento di Teorie e Metodi delle Scienze Umane e Sociali, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II. She had various experiences of teaching and education in the field of Gender Studies, as attested by the participation to projects financed by the Ministero delle Pari Opportunità.
She has published articles on peer-reviewd journals and chapters on gender, sexual and psychoanalysis, violence against women, psychoanalysis and transsexualism, training and teaching in a psychoanalytic perspective.
Clinical-Community Psychologist. She has participated in several interventions to prevent homophobia, homophobic bullying in scholastic contexts.
Since 2011, she works with "SInAPSi" Centre - Università degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II" - to prevent and fight discriminations and violence against LGBT population and to promote a culture of diversity by updating the website www ., planning and implementing several action-research projects to prevent homophobia and homophobic bullying in schools of different levels, and realizing training and awareness interventions in university contexts of "Federico II".
Currently, she's working with the Department TEOMESUS (Teorie e Metodi delle Scienze Umane e Sociali) of Università degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II" to submit surveys and to achieve training and awareness interventions for teachers and students of schools involved in the European Project "Hermes - Linking sexual and Gender Network to Fight Stigma".
Phd Student in Gender Studies, Clinical Psychologist and Expert in Psychodiagnosis. He is affiliate member of AIP - Italian Psychology Association and member of the website He did a training fellowship at the Center for Population Research in LGBT Health in Boston sponsored by The Fenway Institute in collaboration with Boston University.
He has participated in and conceptualized several action-research projects on the issue of homophobic bullying with the aim of promoting a culture of differences. He was volunteer psychological operator at SAIFIP (Service for Adaptation of Physical Identity and Psychic Identity) in the Roman Hospital San Camillo-Forlanini. He was assignee of a contract for guidance and mentoring of undergraduates and for support services in university teaching activities.
His research areas are: transsexualisms and transgenderisms, internalized transphobia, Minority Stress Model and its application to transgender people, homophobic bullying, gender and sexual violence.
Clinical Psychologist, Ph.D Student in Gender Studies at Università di Napoli Federico II and Psychotherapist in training at SIRPIDI (Rome).
He is affiliate Member of AIP - Associazione Italiana di Psicologia - (Italy).
He is founder, member of the Scientific Committee and of the Editorial Unit of the website He received a grant to work for SInAPSi Center - Università di Napoli Federico II - in research and intervention activities aimed at preventing homophobic bullying in schools. He has worked as Psychologist for LGBTQI Neapolitan Non-governmental Organisations in intervention activities in the field of Sexual Orientation and Sexual Stigma. He has worked for the project "Contro la violenza - Azioni di rete ed educazione" funded by the Italian Ministero per le Pari Opportunità.
His studies and researches are meant to investigate the attitudes toward Homosexuality. Specifically, his main research topics are: a) bullying in the peer group, in particular homophobic bullying; b) the attitudes toward Homosexuality among police and their effects on negative behaviors of secondary victimization with particular attention at victim blaiming; c) methodologies for clinical-psychological intervention about sexual stigma, referring to functional approach to attitudes.
She manages the administrative responsibility as well as performs, functions and liability provided for the University Statute. She coordinates and organizes the administrative secretary of the Department of Studi Umanistici, undertaking every initiative necessary to improve the management of the Department, according to the decision of the Manager.
Responsible for the administrative and accounting review of European project HERMES, within the framework of Daphne, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship programme, as coordinator. In Hermes project she is also member of CPO and of Steering Committee.
He is an administrative assistant and he works with Patrizia Cozzolino in all the activities of the Department.
He collaborates for the administrative and accounting review of European project HERMES, and he is responsible of the internal financial monitoring of the project.
He is a psychologist, political scientist by adoption, also a researcher at the Complutense University of Madrid. Platero teaches community development at a secondary school, also in several master degrees (UCM, UAM, UPNA, UCLM) and at the Museum of Contemporary Art Reina Sofia (Somateca, directed by B. Preciado).
Since 2003 has been involved in European research projects (MAGEEG, QUING and HERMES) mostly working with policy frames, intersectionality, the entrance of LGBT in the Spanish political agenda.
Platero is the co-author of the book: Herramientas para combatir el Bullying Homofóbico (Talasa, 2007) and co-author and editor of Lesbianas, Discursos y Representaciones (Melusina 2008), editor of "Intersecciones: cuerpos y sexualidades en la encrucijada"(Bellaterra, 2012).
She earned her Doctoral degree in Political Science from Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain). She has worked as a researcher in a diverse range of institutions in Latin America and United States, and she has published widely on women and feminist movements.
Her research has focused on gender and feminist geopolitics, linked to the transnational dimensions of social movements, and gender dynamics of globalization. It has also been Secretary of the old Masters in Teaching Gender Equality and Political Agents (UCM and Spanish Institute for Women), and Secretary of the Diploma in Gender Violence (UCM Foundation). She is a regular research to Development NGO ("Muevete por la Igualdad, Es de Justicia; "Sin Mujeres, No es Democracia"), and she has been working on 3 MDG since 2003 (IPADE and Plataforma2015ymás).
As Professor at UCM Faculty of Political Science and Sociology, she teaches courses on Gender and Power in Latin America, and Feminist Geopolitics.
PhD in Iberoamerican Studies, he's actually he is a Political Science Professor at UCM. In the last years, he has been developing two research lines: civil society participation processes and analysis of political communication process and the mass Media dynamics framed in the neoliberal globalization.
He, currently, is a member of the Complutense University official research group "Cibersomosaguas, Digital culture and social movements". In addition, he is a member of two other research projects: "Memory´s Politics: un balance de una década de exhumaciones en España (MICIN I+D+i CSO2009-0981) and Challenge and Perspectives of World social Forum in Madrid (CAM2010-017).
Ariel Jerez is author and coauthor of several books: Trabajo voluntario o participación?. Elementos para una Sociología del Tercer Sector (Tecnos, 1998), Informe sobre políticas de juventud en España (Versión en inglés: Report on Younth Policies in Spain) (Instituto de la Juventud/Ministerio de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales/Consejo de Europa) and 0'7% De las acampadas a la desobediencia civil. Desarrollo y tratamiento informativo del movimiento para el desarrollo en España (Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 2008).
He is a lecturer at the School of Education at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, holds a Ph.D. in Political Science and Sociology from the same university. (Anatomy of Freedom. Madrid: Publicaciones de la Universidad Complutense, 2007).
As TMR researcher of the European Union, and research fellow and assistant professor at Humboldt University, Berlin and Queen's University, Ontario, he researched and lectured about, globalization in education (World-Level Ideology or Nation-Specific System-Reflection? Reference Horizons in Educational Discourse, co-authored with Jürgen Schriewer, Lisboa: Educa, 2003); the Spanish educational system; history of Spanish and Mexican education from a comparative perspective; or fundamentalism.
In his work he combines intellectual history, comparative education, and history of education.
he her Doctoral degree in Sociology from Universidad Complutense de Madrid and she is currently Associate Professor at the same university at the Department of Sociology (Sociological Theory). She has studied at prestigious international centers such as the University of Kent in Canterbury (GB), University of California, Santa Cruz (USA), the University of Lancaster (GB) and the University of Utrecht (Holland).
She participated in several research projects on transsexual migrations, reorganization of urban spaces, bio-medic practices and discourses about the sexed bodies. She has published various articles and took part at various books which link her fields of interest such as intersexional feminist perspective, post-colonial studies, cultural studies, social studies on technosciencies and queer theory.
Actually she's working on queer diaspora and homonationalism, reorganization of sex/gender positions in migrant people arriving from Equador and Senegal in the district of Lavapiés (Madrid).
Social Anthropologist. Researcher at the Complutense University of Madrid. Since 2000 he has been developping diverse research projects in diverse themes, standing out Queer minorities(stressing Spanish Gypsies), Migrations and Sexual work, Interseccionality, Participative processes, Social and Urban Exclusion and Economic processes of Maká)(Paraguay´s natives). At the same time he is Lecturer in diverse M.A. and University specialization courses like Complutense University of Madrid, University of Alicante, etc.
He has diverse national and international publications in these themes: The schientific journal of Humanistic Studies, Estudios de Juventud, La Página 91, etc. He´s also member of various research groups in Madrid and Spain.
He also works in several Apply Researc proyects on exclusion neighborhoods in Madrid for various Public Adminitrations.
Clinical-Community Psychologist. He worked in the Campania Region by carrying out awareness campaigns on GLBT issues and prevention projects dealing with homophobia and homophobic bullying in primary and secondary schools (Centro Sinapsi of Università degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II").
Currently, he is hired researcher for the project Hermes at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
His researches focus on the relation between homosexuality and psychoanalytic theory, bullying and homophobic bullying, juvenile distress, relation between internet and clinical psychology, risk prevention and health promotion in organizations.
PhD in Sciencies Politics and Sociology, he actually is Political Geography Professor at the Faculty of Sciences Politics and Sociology of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. He is also the Dean of the same Faculty.
In the last years, he has been developing several research lines: geo-politics, the relations between politic identities and territories, transformations in politic discourses in the era of new communication media.
Among his last books it is relevant to underline: Democracia digital limites y oportunidades (Trotta Editorial, 2002) and his last work with Godinho and Pereiro "Portugal e España: entre discursos de centro e práticas de frontera" (Universida de Nova de Lisboa/Edições Colibri, 2009). His more recent articles has been published in Journals such as Political Geography, Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, Revista Universitaria Europea, Revista de Ciencias Sociales, Política y Sociedad, Revista de Hechos e Ideas. In the last years, he also has coordinated several European Research Projects.
Professor of Sociology at the National University of Education at Distance (UNED) in Madrid, Osborne has held a Fulbright Scholarship at New York University, where she got a Master of Philosophy.
Her main lines of research are related to contemporary issues and debates related to the intersection of Sexuality and Gender. Among her last publications it is relevant to underline her the book: "Apuntes sobre violencia de género" (Some notes on gender violence) (2009) and the editing of the issue on"Sexualidad y derechos en el siglo XXI" (Sexuality and rights in the XXI century) of the Journal Política y Sociedad, 46 (1 and 2) (2009).
Her most recent research interests deal with female sexuality under Franco´s regime, about which she is editing the book: "Mujeres bajo sospecha" (2012 forthcoming). She has coordinated a UNWomen report titled: "La situación social de la población migrante TLGB en España, desde un enfoque de género y derechos humanos" (The social situation of TLGB migrant population in Spain, using a gender and human rights perspective), which will be published in 2012.
Psychologist (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 1990-1995), Master in Educational Guidance at the Universidad de Alcalá (1999-2000), Counselor at the Psycho pedagogical guidance and evaluation team at Pozuelo (2001-2003) and at the Guidance Department at IES.E.Patarroyo since 2003, where she carries out a plan for the prevention of homophobia in the educational system.
Associated Professor at the Department of Basic Psychology since 1996, her researches focus on the creation of a theoretical model to explain basic psychological processes involved in the learning and maintenance of homophobic behaviors.
She is at present a trainee graduate in Hermes Proyect. She has graduated in Philosophy and Arts from the Complutense University of Madrid and has a Master in Advanced Studies in Philosophy from the same university.
Her current research interests focus on the somatization processes of differentially valued gendered schemes of perception, conception and action, within the Social Theory of Pierre Bourdieu.
Psychologist, Pychotherapist, awarded of a Doctorate in Gender Studies from University of Naples Federico II. President of "Le Kassandre", association working in Naples to fight violence against women and to support women's rights. Pychologist in several projects for the contrast of social discomfort in Naples: projects for family at risk, trans-genders, women victim of violence, students' drop-out.
Furthermore she is involved in several national associations and movements (Filomena, Se Non Ora Quando) for women's rights. She collaborates with the Department of Occupational Medicine of Federico II University, researching and teaching about gender discriminations in work contexts (mobbing, burn-out).
Psychologist and Psychotherapist, member of the association "Le Kassandre" working in Naples to fight violence against women and to support women's rights.; Coordinator of "Sportello Donna" open to native and immigrant women in difficulty and discomfort.
Psychologist in a variety of training projects and / or intervention to combat the social problems regarding homeless, abused women and children at risk. Expert in clinical work with couples, having attended a II Level Master at the University "Cattolica del Sacro Cuore" of Milan in Clinical of Couple Relationship. She has collaborated with Institute of Medicine and Sistemic Psychotherapy ( IMePS) of Naples, researching about new addictions and codependency.
PhD in 2005, is currently lecturer and professor in sociology at University of Naples.
He focuses his research in the areas of social welfare, emphasizing urban and social capital inequality, non for profit organizations, labour market, urban sociology, lgbt sexuality and discrimination.
He has been invited as visiting researcher to CUNY University New York and visiting professor to KTH University of Stockholm. Trained in social network analysis methods (Essex University, UK), he is skilled in the use of large scientific data analysis softwares and datasets (Spss, Ucinet, Gis).
LGBTQI political activist. He entered into Arcigay in 2007. At the provincial congress in Naples in 2008 he was elected to the board of directors with the Delegation in young people.
In December 2009, he was elected as Chairman of the Provincial Congress Arcigay Naples and the National Congress re-elected him in the National Arcigay Council. On 28 June 2011 he was also elected as the first president of the Coordinamento Campania Rainbow, glbtqi grouping of associations at the regional level which, among other things, has contributed to the organization of Salerno Campania Pride 2012.
In September 29, 2012 ended the three-year term, was elected Vice-Chairman of Arcigay Naples. On 25 November 2012 he was elected by the XIV National Congress of Arcigay as part of the national secretariat with delegation omotransfobia; coming out and young people; school.
PhD student in Sociology and Social research at the Department of Sociology, University Federico II of Naples.
She has had various experiences as a social researcher in a diverse range of institutions (no profit organizations, local institutions, research institutes).
Furthermore she currently works for the Department of Sociology (University of Naples) and Arcigay (lgbt Association) in several projects: "Mind the (social) gap" - a survey studying the life-style and the sexual behaviours of the LGB community in Naples (2012); "Liber/Azione" - a project to analised the sexual behaviors exposed to risk of LGB neapolitan community (2007).
She has published a chapter on the consumption of psychoactive substances in the Neapolitan gay and lesbian community, which she presented at the 10th Conference of the European Sociological Association in Geneva (2011) and at the Queer Sexualities, nationalism and racism in the new Europe - London South Bank University (2012).
He has been awarded a Doctorate in Sociology and Social research at the Department of Sociology, University Federico II of Naples. He currently works for the Department of Sociology, Italia Lavoro and Arcigay.
He has developed several professional experiences as a consultant on issues related to the third sector, labor market, diversity management and equal opportunities, partecipating to projects financed by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, in cooperation with Office of the National Equality Councillor.
Furthermore, he had various experiences of teaching in the field of Social Policy, with specific focus on the themes of Third Sector and Welfare State, and he published chapters on the labour flexibility in no profit organizations and on management of gender difference in the workplace.
Psychologist, Pychotherapist, Sexologist, Ph. D in Sociology, University of Palermo, working on the topic of violent behaviour, identity and their implications in the construction of masculinities and homophobia, research fellow in Sociology at the Faculty of Law and Faculty of Education at the University of Palermo.
In Palermo, Association of parents and friends of homosexual and transsexual persons, is coordinator of social and psychological activities (psychological counseling, training in schools, research, social planning prevention of homophobic bullying etc.).
Member of World Association for Sexual Health and the National Observatory of Gender Identity, offers gender counseling for transgender persons in transition (FtoM and MtoF), in public and private Institutions. Advanced training in the field of Community Psychology at research institutes and national trainings. Clinical training related to sexual counseling and gender identity. He is currently a consultant psychologist at the Juvenile Justice Center ( Palermo) .
Has been awarded a Phd in Sociology at Palermo University. He's currently senior lecturer of Sociology of Law, Deviance and Social change, Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Palermo (Italy).
His research's topics and intervention areas mainly focus on masculinity and violence, juvenile justice system and prison youth masculinities, prostitution and urban areas, deviance and crime theories and LGBT studies.
He's member of AGEDO Palermo ( Association of parents and friends of LGBT youth), he has also supervised national and international research and intervention projects on conflict resolution, anti-gay violence and social inclusion.
She is a Senior Lecturer and Director of the Women's Studies Centre in the School of Social Justice at University College Dublin (the Republic of Ireland's largest university, established in 1854). The School of Social Justice specialises in post-graduate teaching and research in Women and Gender Studies and Equality Studies and is recognised as a European leader in developing these areas of teaching and research for almost 25 years.
Among her academic prizes are the UCD President's Teaching Award, University of California at Berkeley Chancellor's Prize for Prose, and Fulbright Fellowship for postgraduate study at Boston College. She is a member of the teaching faculty on the Erasmus Mundus GEMMA programme in Women's Studies at the University of Granada and she was also an invited Visiting Teaching Fellow at the University of Senshu in Tokyo (April-August 2008). She has been invited as guest speaker to universities in the UK (including Cambridge University and the University of Sussex), the USA (including Harvard University and Fordham University) and Spain (Universities of Oviedo and Granada).
Dr O'Donnell has edited four academic collections, two special issue Journals and written over 20 peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters for scholarly publications in the area of the history of (European) sexuality and Irish cultural studies.
Katherine O'Donnell è l'editrice di quattro collane accademiche, di due numeri speciali di Riviste a ha scritto più di 20 recensioni su articoli di giornali e capitoli di libri per pubblicazioni scolastiche nell'area tematica della storia (Europea) della sessualità e occupandosi di studi sulla cultura Irlandese.
She earned her BA in English and Sociology in Maynooth University Ireland and a Master in Women, Gender and Society.
She has facilitated various adult literacy programmes. She has also taught creative writing courses and has had her poetry and short stories published in various collections.
Ms Mallon is an editorial assistant with the Journal, Gender, Sexuality and Feminism (GSF).
He earned his Doctoral degree in medical anthropology from Columbia University, New York City. He has worked as a researcher in a diverse range of institutions in Latin America, the USA and in Europe.
He has published widely in peer-reviewed journals and edited collections on sexual and reproductive health; the health of sexual minorities; non-discrimination; the sexual health of prison inmates and masculinity, sexuality and migration. In 2009, he received the Award for Excellence in Global Health, from the Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University.
He is currently Irish representative on the European Union Network on Anti-Discrimination. He teaches courses on Global Health Inequalities, and Masculinities and Equality in the School of Social Justice in University College Dublin.
She studied Philosophy and English Literatures at University of Berne. She holds a Masters in Equality Studies at University College Dublin.
During her studies in Switzerland, she has edited a national youth online magazine and worked as a freelance journalist for several major Swiss newspapers.
She has also taught courses in communication and PR to young people involved in social change. Ms Tichy is an editorial assistant with the Journal, Gender, Sexuality and Feminism (GSF).
She has been awarded a Doctorate in political science from University College Dublin (UCD). She is a Department of Foreign Affairs' Scholar in Conflict Resolution in Ireland, a UCD Ad Astra Research Scholar and a member of the UCD Global Ireland Programme.
Her primary research interests are ethnic identity, nationality, human rights, women's rights, gender, peace and conflict. She is a lecturer and tutor in the School of Politics and International Relations and the School of Social Justice in UCD, in the Irish School of Ecumenics in Trinity College Dublin (TCD) and in the School for International Training (SIT).
Furthermore, she is involved as an academic advisor to the Irish Government's Consultative Group on Ireland's National Action Plan on UN Security Council 1325 ('Women, Peace and Security') and is a board member of Sibéal, the Irish Postgraduate Gender and Feminist Studies Network.
She is a social entrepreneur. With a background in theatre and community activism she founded Sticks & Stones in 2005. The Anti-bullying Programme has gone on to receive impressive endorsements from The National Parent's Council, The National Association of Principals & Deputy Principals, The Anti-bullying Centre, TCD. It is recommended as a resource by Ireland's Department of Education and Skills Stay Safe Programme, and The National Council for Curriculum and Assessment recommend it as an Action Project for Junior Certificate CSPE. Sticks & Stones recently received the Chemins d'Enfances (Paths of Childhood), Springboards: Let's Innovate for Children! Award.
As part of a world-wide Ashoka Changemakers competition "Activating Empathy: Transforming Schools to Teach What Matters", which attracted over 600 nominations from 74 countries, Sticks & Stones was identified as one of the top three European solutions that advance empathy within youth at risk.
Patricia Kennedy herself was identified this year by Sean Coughlan, CEO, Social Entrepreneurs Ireland as one of the top 40 "leading social entrepreneurs who are making a real difference in their communities".