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Promoting employability


The services for the promotion of employability
promote employability as a link between human, social and psychological capital
of the person, so as to allow the individual to satisfactorily placed in a
labour market in constant evolution and not always inclusive.


Who they turn to

Students' logo

To all students of the university who are about to reach the goal of
graduation and graduates (LT, LM) who want to strengthen their resources,
define a personal project and orientate themselves to create strategies for
reaching their best in the labour markets.


University's logo

To public and private companies and institutions.


How they work

The interventions are provided at the request of the individual student or bodies and concerned organisations:

  • Interactive Labs

    Interactive workshops for employability between guidance, training and personal promotion: they propose to accompany undergraduates, graduates, PhD students, researchers and volunteers of the National Civil service in a process of development of the skills that are necessary to achieve their professional objectives and improve their competitiveness in the labour market. In particular, they aim to identify and enhance the soft skills for employability, to build a personal training and/or professional development project in line with their aspirations/aptitudes/vocations and to know the Main Self marketing tools (CV, motivational letter, info-graphics, digital CV). And also the SPO Desk, a weekly space where we offer the opportunity to request a series of individual consultations or participate in cycles of group consultations, focused on the specific demand in terms of employability.

  • Specialized Placement
    and Business relations

    Promotes employability and encourages the job placement of undergraduates and graduates with disabilities through individual interviews, home talks and meetings with companies, bodies or agencies for work and employment.

  • Business Support for Diversity management

    Promotes the development of an inclusive organizational culture; It supports students-in agreement with the professors of the university and with the companies taking care to the methods of organization and management of the human resources-in the development of innovative management practices, with particular attention to the subject of the evaluation of people, Potentials and performance. The service develops in the individual students and in clusters of professionals and student populations the knowledge that in today's university the student is, together with teachers and non-teaching staff, also a human resource in a properly corporate sense.


Come si accede

Le attività dei Laboratori interattivi per l'Occupabilità si svolgono presso Sinapsi Factory all'interno dell' Orto Botanico, Via Foria 223.
Per informazioni è possibile procedere nei seguenti modi:

Telefonando al numero
081 2537853
inviando una e-mail all'indirizzo: occupabilita.sinapsi@unina.it, indicando nome, cognome, anno di iscrizione e CdS di appartenenza.

Le attività di Placement specializzato e rapporti con le imprese si svolgono presso il Complesso di Monte Sant'Angelo, via Cinthia 26, edificio 1 - Centri comuni, stanza SSC2 (3° piano). Si riceve solo su appuntamento, che può essere richiesto in uno dei seguenti modi:

Telefonando al numero
081 679850
inviando una e-mail all'indirizzo: placement.sinapsi@unina.it.

Le attività di Supporto alle imprese per il diversity management si svolgono presso Sinapsi Factory all'interno dell' Orto Botanico, Via Foria 223.
Per informazioni è possibile procedere nei seguenti modi:

Telefonando al numero
081 2537853